Industrial News

China Resumes Export Growth 2023

Ceramic World Review, Following a decade of steadily declining exports,the Chinese ceramic tile industry reversed this downward trend in 2023 with 6.2% year-on-year export growth, from 579 million sqm in 2022 to 615 million sqm in 2023. This enabled the country's tile industry to maintain its supremacy as the world's largest exporter, a position that had been under serious threat from India whose tile exports surged by 39.6% to 589.5 million square meters in 2023.

The Chinese tile industry's recovery was driven almost exclusively by growth in sales in Latin America (74 million sqm, an increase of 53% or 26 million sqm compared to 2022) and in Africa (48 million sqm, 6 million sqm more than in 2022). Meanwhile, sales in the Asian continent remained steady at 438.6million sqm, accounting for 71% of China's total exports. Asia was home to 13 of the top 20 markets for Chinese ceramic tiles, led by the Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea, Ma-laysia and Thailand. Australia, the sixth largest market, maintained stable levels of Chinese imports at 30 million sqm. Significant increases were recorded in several South American countries, including Peru (+37%) and Chile (+47%), which now rank among China's top ten export destinations, along with the Dominican Republic (+98%) and Colombia (+51%). The main African destinations were Cameroon, Senegal and South Africa.


A comparison between China and India's export results shows that China continues to dominate in Asia, South America and Oceania, whereas India has taken the lead in Africa and innon-EU Europe (and obviously also in North America and the European Union, where China has been excluded by the introduction of trade tariffs).




With the period of expansion driven by population growth and urbanisation at an end, the Chinese ceramic industry experienced the four most difficult years in its history (2020 to 2023). This period was marked by fiercer price competition due to the decline in domestic demand coupled with the industry's other major challenge, that of achieving greater environmental sustainability. Key industry players are now focusing on efficiency, innovation, product strength, quality, andservice as strategic levers to transform their enterprises from merely "big"to truly "robust", utilising smarter and more sustainable manufacturing facilities.


Amid these developments, Foshan Uniceramics Expo, Asia's largest ceramic exhibition held from 18 to 22 April, showcased trendsetting new products, particularly large ceramic slabs manufactured in energy-efficient facilities with reduced emissions. The exhibition featured five halls devoted to ceramic surfaces and another five for technology and raw materials, attracting over 120,000 Chinese and international visitors.